Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jewels in His Hands

Tonight, Saturday, May 14, 2011 as we have taught our last lesson and are preparing to go home I have asked my precious team to give you a small glimpse into a “God moment” from this past 9 days….

Charlotte says…

How do you summarize a life-changing experience in just a few sentences?  Maybe a few disjointed phrases is all I can manage: LAUGHTER with old and new friends as we travel through a different land with similar struggles and challenges.  JOY in seeing God work in each church and teaching time and craft.  WONDER at God’s creation.  AMAZEMENT at God’s faithfulness to answer every prayer big and small.

Billye says…

I could just sign my name after Charlotte’s entry because she summarized our time here so well.  Every prayer prayed in preparation for this trip has been answered by our Sovereign God.  Our relationships with the Lord, with each other, and with our new friends at the AWT have been enhanced, enriched and blessed.  It will be so difficult to say goodbye tomorrow, but we have the promise of spending eternity with them.  Thank  You, Lord.

Sandi says…

To look back at a whole week and choose one highlight is almost impossible.  But from a big picture perspective – women are much the same – mothers, grandmothers, sisters and friends.  We may not speak the same verbal language but the language of the heart connects us through Jesus.

Sharon says…

 There is light that shines from Jesus in the eyes of His own.  In a dark place, His light is bright.  I remember looking into the eyes of the deaf women.  Most were sad and dark, confused in purpose, but one set blazed with life and light.  She is the one who testified for His name before the group when the Lord asked me to be silent.  Now I understand why…He left her behind to show them the WAY!!!  Praise God!!

Kim says…

One of the sweetest memories was Rana sharing her heart about the affect the team had on her personally. Everyone needs encouragement. God sends each one of us into the lives of others to offer a timely word, or hug, or smile, or maybe just a listening ear. It’s a reminder that God really does care about His people.  As we step out and encourage others, we too are encouraged. I love how our God works. It has been an absolute privilege to be a part of Team Barnabas. I am changed.

Sherri says…

My memories will always found in the eyes of the women here in Jordan. I saw:
            Tender eyes
            Hopeful eyes
            Dull, lifeless eyes
            Tearful eyes
            Smiley eyes
            Eyes filled with joy
            Laughing eyes
            Grateful eyes
            Downcast eyes
            Eyes closed in tender worship to Jesus
            Faces that were so veiled you could only see their eyes, but oh, when we
                        connected….those smiling, grateful eyes were a blessing to me
                        beyond words!
            Eyes of friends deeply connected on the same mission

In closing I would like to describe this amazing team:
            Incredibly fun
            Amazingly gifted
            Full of love for each other
            Prayer warriors
            Willing to do whatever God asks


Please pray for us as we close out this blessed time with 20 hours of “on the ground” & “in the air” travel. We love you and can’t wait to see you!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Our trip to Petra left us strong in spirit and weak in the knees.  We fell into bed after another long ride to Aqaba following our six hour hike in the red rocks.  Aqaba is a beautiful town sitting on the northern tip of the Red Sea….MOSES, people!!!  We once again suffered from the gaping mouth as we looked across the sea at Israel in the distance.

The water itself is a gorgeous blue, cool and refreshing.  We watched the women covered head to toe getting into the water as if they were wearing a regular swimsuit from home.  Meanwhile, the men smoked their ancient looking genie bottles full of smoke and wore shorts.  Life is definitely not fair over here. 

We traveled to a church in the morning where Charlotte and Kim taught one after another, with a coffee break in between.  The gathering was of women alone ranging from 17 on up.  They were very welcoming and seemed glad to have us there.  The pastor and his wife have it rough.  They have been serving there for three years and feel lonely and a bit like climbing a mountain themselves.  They shared with us that  the people there were not raised with correct theology before they arrived to pastor the church and that they  have been retraining  the congregation.
 The mindset here that the elders do not seek wisdom from the younger ones is difficult when the pastor and his wife are not in their eighties!  All this to say, they are lonely.  When we asked them if they had any close friends, they both said they did not.  We took them to lunch and tried to encourage them as best we could.  They were both delightful people.  Makes me think of how important encouragement is to the body of believers.  Ro 15:4 says…THAT THROUGH ENDURANCE AND THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE SCRIPTURES WE MIGHT HAVE HOPE… there is no other  way to truly live.


Sherri here!!!!!

We have had quite a full day, so I will just give you a couple of my personal highlights very quickly: J

*I stand amazed that we were in a place that you could walk across the border to Saudi Arabia and ferry across to both Israel & Egypt! Wow, wow, wow!!!

*Saw a sign that said “camel crossing” and sure enough…here they came…loping across the highway!!!  

*Sitting in the pew today being taught God’s Word along with our new Arab friends by my two precious friends, Kim & Charlotte….well done faithful servants!!!

*I left with a heart burdened to pray for this precious pastor’s wife who in this culture was not mature enough to teach…she is 37…but here, younger women can’t teach older women! I am so glad that’s not the case in my world. I learn so much from my younger friends!!!

*I was so encouraged upon meeting and hearing the testimonies of two friends…one strong in her faith and the other struggling, BUT the stronger one was so clearly a Barnabas for the weaker one!!! Praise God….even in the Middle East!!!

*Lastly, a very special time that I had with a Mom and daughter. The Mom’s name was Sherri J & the daughter (17) was so incredibly smart. She knew answer after answer as the ladies were teaching…all by heart and sang without any hymnal at all!!! She confided in me that she desperately wanted to study at the university but there was no way they could afford it…she wanted to be a Doctor! Anyway, she told me her Mom was her best friend and they encouraged each other in the Lord. When I prayed for them, I began to cry because it really made me miss my girls A LOT and I told these precious two women all about my girls and how they were my encouragers!!!…Moms & daughters…across the world or next door doesn’t matter…a very special bond!!!

Good Night for now…please pray for us tomorrow…our last day of teaching in two different churches…each very different. Kim & Charlotte are up again tomorrow!!! We love you and miss you!!!

Sherri J

Donkeys, Camels and Advil- Oh my!

We tried to post this yesterday, but due to technical difficulties, it is just now getting posted. Look at it like a bonus of two posts in one day. =)

We drove south for a couple of hours to an area called Petra- probably one of the most well known areas of this country.  We enjoyed being out on the open highway after being in the crowded city streets for several days.  Petra is an area of ancient tombs and other sites that have been excavated, and these sites date back to the turn of the century- the century when time turned from B.C. to A.D.  To say that these sites are magnificent would be an understatement… We had to hike quite a ways between two steep canyon walls (picture Indiana Jones running through a canyon while a humongous stone rolls behind him… literally, this is where they filmed some Indiana Jones). 
After a walk through the canyon, we arrived at a breathtaking site- an area called the Treasury- a HUGE stone building literally carved into the mountain of red rock.  We stood in awe- of the Treasury and the two camels saddled in front of it- just waiting for a couple of tourists…

We decided against the camel ride since we were still walking on a downhill slope.  After appropriate gawking at the Treasury, we walked further through the canyon and through more tombs lining the canyon sides.  It was an incredible place to put the Bible in perspective, especially since this is the area where the Israelites wandered after crossing the Red Sea.  Very mountainous and rocky.  Rough.  Much respect for the Israelites who wandered without their Northface hiking gear from Backwoods.
Ready to be more amazed?  Many of the Bedouin tribe live within these canyon walls in tents, selling their wares of jewelry and other souvenirs.  They literally live in dwellings constructed of poles and worn fabric.  What broke our hearts more was the children who were living in the canyon in their tents, selling postcards, approaching tourists with the biggest smiles and giving us their best English phrases- “Here, have a look… Happy hour here… Take a break- have a KitKat.”  We had to remind ourselves that for us to offer a prayer for their salvation is one of the most powerful gifts we can give- rather than a dollar for a necklace that might leave them hungry again tomorrow.  Please Lord fill their hearts with You, their only hope for Bread of Life and Living Water.
            OK, so on to our adventure- From where we finally took a break (without a Kit Kat), we decided for our group to split up- four of us “donkeyed up” and rode up countless flights of STONE STEPS, and the other four headed back to the Treasury on foot.  The donkeys proved to be sure-footed and we made it to a gigantic excavated monastery.  The donkeys took us as far as they could and then we hiked up more STEPS (this is when we KNEW Advil would be a part of the experience).  We hiked, saw the view,took a photo, and returned back down the steps. 

Well, of course, not wanting to leave the rest of our group waiting, we knew we must make haste- camel style!  So we four (Kim, Sharon, Sherri and Charlotte)  camelled up, and headed to the treasury.  Pictures for that one will be better than words…

Conclusion: long day, good team day, amazed at God’s goodness, and blessed to be in His Presence in a spiritually dark place.  Oh, and shoes full of sand…  Blessings to all our loved ones!

Kim and Charlotte

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oh Zarka!!

Where do I begin?  What a glorious morning!  We met with several denominations in one church in Zarka, which is about an hour north of the hotel.  We were so blessed by the singing of these precious women.  The Arab praise songs are beautiful and expressive even to English only speakers/singers.  I spoke to the most precious and attentive people.  They were so excited to answer all questions concerning the church Christ is building.  Their faces were something to behold. God did a mighty work in me to calm my nerves and give me such a heart for connecting with them.  The experience of having a translator speak after me was a bit confusing at first even though I had watched Charlotte and Sharon sail through it.  Our translator thinks in English and Arabic at the same time, so she was fantastic. 

After the church we were divided into groups of  two, three, and one.  Each of us had great translators who took us to different homes to visit with the nationals.  Kim went with missionaries to the home of two sisters and a widowed sister-in-law.  It seems that one sister is born again, but not the other.  The Gospel was given and we will be praying that it takes root.

Sherri, Sandi and I visited with a woman who had attended the church service.  She shared her heart and her burdens with us and allowed us to pray for her.  It was truly a sweet and tender time. 

Charlotte and Sharon accompanied a missionary to visit one of  her Muslim friends.  They have the distinction of being the only ones on our team who have been evangelized by a Muslim.   They had little to no chance to tell of Jesus because the woman was very adept at cutting them off.  This woman certainly gives us the opportunity for additional prayer. 

A conversation between Sherri, Kim, Nadia and her husband Nabil is fostering a heart pull about their ministry.  They are building an American school for children to be taught by American teachers.  He came to Christ under the instruction of a sweet American teacher who gave the Gospel to 43 children who all came to Christ with four of them now ministers.  Some of us were able to see where the construction was taking place and found the excitement of what God is doing to be very contagious.

We are off to a meeting with the director of AWT Ministries.

We are so very grateful for the prayer support and comments.

Billye and Sandi

Mary Alice Brumley

Hi girls,
I have been following your daily progress and watching you all grow before my eyes. I love the verse that Sharon used about being blind and deaf and how the Lord uses us in our weakness. What a blessing you all are as you lead and teach.  I continue to hold you up in prayer everyday.  We miss you and can't wait to have a first hand report of your trip when you get home.  Can you believe it is already Wednesday? 
Each one of you is special to me and as I pray for you I am calling each one of your names before the Lord.
May the Lord bless and keep you and make His face to shine on you.  Stormy weather at home but sunshine tomorrow.  I just got home from sunny California so don't know any news.  I know you are missed!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The weather here has been absolutely beautiful and this morning was no different. We left the hotel around 9:30 to head to the AWT office for training from Kim concerning how to live the gospel centered life from the workbook titled…you guessed it…The Gospel Centered Life.  This study has been taught at McKinney this past spring and was very impactful for the ladies at our church.  Kim took all of us, including the AWT staff, through the third chapter as if we were doing a study for the week.  We were deep in conversation, laughter and some tears as we processed through truths that the Lord was teaching us.  The staff seemed to really enjoy the training, asking how soon they could have the Leader’s Manual.  We left workbooks behind for them, and they have permission from the publisher to translate the materials into Arabic.   Kim did an awesome job of leading us with her down-to earth style.  

We were treated to Pizza Hut pizza by the staff….WOO HOO!  We feasted, but wondered…”where is the hummus???”  As we ate, we enjoyed the sounds of the birds and the cool breeze that blew through the open window.  I went outside and practiced the biblical story as our next appointment was the Deaf Center.

Miss you all...especially my family,

We traveled by car across to the medical district where the Deaf Culture center is located. This center is a place where girls who are deaf receive love and care that society and even their families don’t give them. One teenage girl we met had been coming to the center for about a year. The AWT team told us that until she started coming to the center, she never left her home and had never received any education in sign language, so she was completely ostracized from people.  The progress she had made in a year amazed the AWT team.

Our program at the center caused us much prayer and seeking the Lord’s will as we were told that these girls faced much danger if they were known to be in a place where there was evangelization. In addition, the Deaf Culture center could be shut down if it were found out that Jesus was proclaimed. With those kind of restrictions, Sharon did an AMAZING job of connecting with these young girls by being transparent with her own physical weaknesses and how they had brought shame to her as a young girl. The girls connected with her and she began her story of God using Moses despite his weaknesses. She shared how God told Moses from Exodus 4, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” The presence of the Lord was very tangible in that place as she declared God’s plan to use imperfect people to declare His perfectness.  She definitely told them that God loved them and just as He had by rescuing His people from Egypt, He had provided a Way from them to be rescued as well. We are trusting God that these precious girls felt His love and that He will accomplish His perfect purpose.

Additionally, we showed the girls how to create the beautiful beaded heart that is centered on God’s love. They seemed to really love creating the hearts and they were quick learners…they learned much faster than our team.  Yes, it’s true… Bless her heart… Sherri still can’t do this heart craft. =)

We wrapped up a great day by getting to have dinner with Colleen at her house. She served us a little taste from home with taco salad and the all-important … salsa!! We were privileged to meet her precious Palestinian neighbors. Leyla brought her 3 smiling daughters and young son Victor over to share some hamlay (broiled chickpeas with lemon and salt) and a yummy dessert. The hospitality of everyone has really made the team feel welcome. We called our team “Team Barnabas” because we wanted to be an encouragement to the women of Jordan. We all agree that we have been encouraged as well. It truly has been a joy to meet each person God has brought our way.

Please pray for Billye tomorrow as she brings the Word to the women of the Evangelical Free church in Zarka. The team loves every comment that has come our way. (hint, hint, nudge, nudge =)) It is so encouraging to hear that someone is reading our blog and praying for us.  Thank you so much!!

Love and hugs to all,

Monday, May 9, 2011


Monday continues….

As Billye wrote earlier, our day began with much blessing with the AWT Staff. After lunch together and more intense, eye-opening discussion with different members of the team (we can’t wait to get home and share with you our new-found understanding of these precious people) we set out to the East side of the city. This part of the city houses the less-privileged, with houses literally built into the hills side by side with no space in between. The children play in dirt or dusty roads, the traffic is crazy (lots of cars in very small streets with everyone honking at once), and the streets are lined with small markets & shops.  

We set out to teach at a church that ministers to Iraqi refugees, Egyptian refugees, women that have fled from Syria…both Muslims & Christians alike. When we arrived, we help set the church up for both the service and the craft that we had planned for the women after the teaching. We had an opportunity to pray over the room before the women arrived which truly set the tone for each of us. It was so great to get to welcome these women…each so very different from us & each other, but yet each so incredibly special to God!!! We saw burden in each of their eyes...we think we live stress filled lives….we have no IDEA!!! A lady named Rayna led worship (she is a precious young woman that leads this church that has such a passion to lead these women to a life-giving relationship with Christ.) Well, needless to say….CHARLOTTE ROCKED!!! God spoke very clearly through Charlotte tonight as she used the story of Esther to show them how entirely possible it was for them to enter into the presence of the Almighty King of Kings & Lord of Lords. I got chills as I sat and listened to Charlotte pour her God-heart into these womens’ hungry hearts! Charlotte gave our translator quite the ride tonight as she was all over the place with her awesome visual style!!! It was so great!

Sharon then got up and presented the gospel as she explained to these women how to make the beaded heart craft. The heart was centered around a clear bead at the top representing God. All of the other beads were placed on the same wire that held the center piece…in other words all beads connected through the center stone…God. Then each bead had a completely different look to it representing all of our differences as the body of Christ, but yet they were all connected together through that center stone. The women loved it. They worked long and hard and were each so proud to show us their finished product! We told them over and over how beautiful their hearts were and they would just light up!  We couldn’t help but wonder if anyone was ever kind to them and said how beautiful something that they had made was.  The most amazing thing about these hearts was the diversity…it was such a cool picture of how the body of Christ looks centered on God’s love. How boring it would be if all those beads were identical…but instead it was a masterpiece of diversity!!!!

At the end of the evening several of these women asked us to pray for them. Their  prayer requests were heart wrenching…things that we could never imagine…what  a privilege to be able to ask God for a miracle!!!
Okay, so I know you guys are tired of reading such long posts, but we say TOO BAD SO SAD!!!! (J) We are writing to preserve these precious, life-changing moments that God has been so faithful to give us and to allow us to be a part of, so thanks for bearing with us!!!

We miss you & love you all so much!!!!

PS…all of our cell phones are turned off because we are getting messages from our phone companies that they are charging us roaming even when we are not using them!

Sherri J Special hugs & kisses to my family tonight!!!

The Conversation

Morning dawned with great anticipation for our meeting at AWT ministries. This group of great people train women, produce radio programs and create and maintain websites in English and Arabic that reach Arab women.

We met with women and men who are truly dedicated to serving the Arab women in this country.  Sandi and Sherri taught material that had been used at McKinney titled Crucial Conversations.  Never having seen the material myself, I learned so much.  Learning how to resolve differences with coworkers, family members and friends was satisfying and learning with our new Arab friends was exciting.  Being sisters in Christ gives us an immediate bond that transcends nationality and cultures.

Before arriving at the training center we obviously had to leave our hotel.  We had transported several suitcases from the states with supplies and gifts for the people in this ministry.  The concierge at the hotel was understandably chagrined seeing six guests leaving the hotel with suitcases without checking out.  After trying to understand my explanation to no avail, he goose-stepped me to the front desk to fully explain what we were doing.  They are probably watching the front door for our return deciding whether they should call the police. 

Later we are going to a church where Charlotte will be teaching on Esther.  Please pray for her as she glorifies God through her teaching.

The day is only half over and we have been blessed beyond our hopes.  God is thrilling us with surprises with every thing we do and every person we meet.


Sunday, May 8, 2011


As our day ends, we have a new theme… something else that binds our team together… WORDS.  Yes, we as women have words in common!  Although we have loved our conversations, the primary part of our conversations today where we have seen God work has been in the listening part.  If I have ever seen a verse lived out, it was seeing God’s will be done in the lives of our team as we learned to be quick to listen, slow to speak and [slow to become angry]… Wow, do we have some listening stories for you!

After a bit of freshening up after a salty step in the Dead Sea, we attended an Arabic Baptist Church.  Oh what sweet sounds we heard!  Such a blessing to sing with our Arabic and other nationalities friends the hymn “How Great Thou Art”.  We opened the service praying for brothers and sisters in Christ in Egypt.  The news had not yet reached us of the church fire(s).  The pastor of the church where we were thanked God that even though we do not know the future, just knowing God- that is enough!  We listened to a sermon preached in Arabic on Romans 3:21-31.  We are appropriately reminded that none of us is righteous according to our own efforts.  You might ask if we stood out- a bit, considering that we wore headsets so that we could hear the translation. 

Following the service, we visited with several people.  One young man with whom we visited is here in this country attending university.  He has been seeking fellowship with other believers, and has asked for prayer.  He is concerned about his family, much of whom is still in his home country where it is not safe for followers of Jesus.  Please join us in praying for this young man!

After church,  we went to the home of R and N.  What beautiful people!  They opened their home and served us yet another amazing meal.   We learned that R had been cooking for at least two days, and had not gone to Costco for anything (haha).  We were joined for dinner by K and his wife R, and another R and C.  OK, so the code initials just isn’t going to work… almost forgot- T and C (who are visiting here after reading the book Radical by David Platt.  They have been so challenged by the book that they are investigating several avenues here where God might be moving them .  we prayed for them after dinner as they seek God’s plan- so difficult to leave ALL that is familiar, secure and comfortable…)  So, that was our group… plus the 6 of us.  

At our table, T (who is from the US) said that we MUST ask K about his testimony.  After quite a bit of prodding, K told us a different testimony… what he shared was shockingly extraordinary (thank you to my personal thesaurus who gave me another word besides amazing).  As it turns out- a woman and a man (her father) were visiting their church tonight (the Arabic Baptist Church).   The two of them are new to their faith in Jesus Christ.  The father had put his faith in Christ after his brother had pursued his son-in- law and daughter  in an honor-killing type situation.  The son/ brother had been a member of an extreme Muslim group, and had himself put his faith in Christ.  We listened in utter fascination as his story unraveled.  Sitting at the table with us was a man who has witnessed to a multitude of people and faced security issues we could only dream of… more like a nightmare to us…

To the people we were with, they have truly found that to follow Jesus is the only thing worth living for.

For dessert, we gathered in their guest/ dining room (did I mention how hospitable they have been???), drinking Turkish coffee, and again, captivated by more testimonies.  K finally shared with us how he came to know Jesus Christ: He grew up in a family in which the grandmother was the first generation of believers.  She brought her husband and siblings to the Lord.  And her children.  And then her grandchildren began to follow Jesus.  But K, he wasn’t sure he wanted to follow Jesus.  He wanted to pursue happiness.  So he did.  He tried converting to Islam.  He tried drugs, drinking and money.  He worked in the biggest nightclub in the city.  Then, through a multitude of witnesses for Jesus, He came face to face with God, had a vision (after the death of a man who had months earlier witnessed and challenged him about where he would go when he died), and put his faith in Jesus Christ.  One one condition- that God would bring his five friends who had sold him drugs to the Lord as well.  God did- all five.  (Side note: women- take note!  K attributes his coming to Christ to his praying mother, who apparently prayed for 4 hours/ day for 23 years- God moves when we pray!!! Happy Mother’s Day)

Whew!  Tired of our listening stories yet?  One more- K told personal testimony of Arab leaders and millions of Arab Muslims coming to Christ.  We were enthralled.  Stunned.  Tearful even. 

Did I mention that he prefaced much of what he said by saying that we must change our frequency of listening from CNN to the news of what Christ is doing in the Middle East?  Can someone please give me another word besides amazing???

Maybe tomorrow we will have more about what we say.  For today, it has been about listening.  Good night friends. 


p.s. We added some pictures to our previous blog entry... fyi. =)

Food... =)

What could possibly unite 6 women, varied in ages, experience, season of life, etc.?  Oh sure- the Bible, our sisterhood in Christ, our fellowship in the Spirit… that’s all true, but those are the Sunday School answers… there’s something else that has united this team for the past few days, and that is FOOD.

So, I’ll run with that and by telling you about our food, you’ll hear about our trip so far.  You already know that our travels have been super smooth and the airplane food was no exception. It was in a word, uneventful. 

Moving on, our first meal here, again as you also know, was amazing. Delicious.  Bountiful.  Varied.  Abundant.  Colorful.  To give you an idea of the varied part, it was bread, hummus, tabouli, another salad (fateoush- don’t know how to spell that), olives, pickles, peppers, meat, meat and more meat-  Texas de Middle East (not Brazil)… bread- a flat bread, really good… very filling, and then what did we do?  Nothing spiritual- went to bed… maybe you just thought a mission trip of women would fast and pray all night…

This morning, we had breakfast in the hotel- not in bed, we aren’t that lazy… the Middle Eastern culture has lived up to its reputation of fantastic hospitality-  The breakfast buffet was huge and filled with authentic dishes…

We truly have been blessed and amazed by God’s total provision for us each step of the way.  Not only has He filled our stomachs and cared for us physically (none of us has been the least bit sick with all of this new food), but He has revealed more of Himself than we could have ever asked or imagined.  Namely, none of us thought we would experience what we did today.

Our host, Colleen, picked us up today- greeting us with Mother’s Day flowers. and asked whether we’d rather go to Downtown or go to the site of Jesus’ baptismal.  Not a tough choice.  We picked the baptismal site- and got the Dead Sea thrown in with it.  We were stunned and elated to say the least. 

So, here’s where we have to leave our food theme and just tell you about our day. 

As we drove out of the city, out host commented casually that, oh, yeah, that’s Mt. Nebo.  We freaked out.  MT. NEBO- as in, we looked out the other side of the van and saw the view that Moses had when he came down off the mountain and saw the Promised Land.  Wow.  After a drive of several minutes, we took an Arabic bus to the area known as Bethany Beyond the Jordan.  Whoever can say all that, let’s call it BBTJ.  At BBTJ, we saw several churches built in the more recent centuries by various denominations.  We walked several paths guided by an Arab (Muslim?) guide, and finally arrived at a site where Jesus was baptized.  Interestingly, the Jordan River no longer flows directly through this spot because it has changed its course over the centuries.  When we arrived down by the river, we were in for a real treat.  Sharon told us the story of Jesus being baptized, while she stood in front of the Jordan River!!! Incredible to think of!  We each took turns standing in the water of the Jordan River.  Surreal.  Moving.  As amazing as it was, it was another word that comes to mind is- hot.  So, we loaded back into the van and headed to the Dead Sea.

Now, back to the food part.  Colleen took us to an Arabic Restaurant, and we ate more delicious food Bedouin style- as in on comfy couches around a small table… and, the Dead Sea in the background!  As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

The Dead Sea lived up to its reputation- it was very salty and not a thing living in it .  except we did get in- our hands and feet were salty and the Sea was beautiful.

Our plans tonight include more food- dinner at Ruba’s house and International church (the food part is just at Ruba’s house- not church).   Hope all is well with all of you- we love and miss our friends and family and pray for each of you often.  We are overwhelmed to be here and are eager to share more of what God is doing. 

Charlotte & Sandi 

p.s. We ran out of time as we were posting this blog, so we promise to upload some pictures when we return to the hotel. Check back later today.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ahlan wa Sahlan!!

Hello All,

We have arrived at our destination!! We just wanted to post a quick note that we are here and to thank you so much for all your prayers. Our travel went really smoothly and all our luggage arrived when we did. Colleen and Rana picked us up from the airport and took us to our hotel to freshen up a bit from the 17 hours of travel. The hotel is great and we got to see a traditional Muslim wedding party celebration in our hotel lobby. We'll have pics tomorrow, but it was a fun way to get started. We went to a local restaurant for a great Middle Eastern meal. We tried lots of things and I don't think anyone will be losing any weight on this trip. =)

Thanks again for all the prayers. We feel them and are super excited to be here.  Our internet connection looks like it will be stable, so we should be able to post daily.

Ahlan wa Sahlan! (This means "Welcome!" in Arabic)


Friday, May 6, 2011

Departure Day!!!

Here we are, friends! 2 hours from leaving the MMBC parking lot...together on a shuttle that will hopefully begin our journey of a lifetime with our Mighty God. Just wanted to let you know that we will try to post of our safe arrival as soon as we get internet access! I promise we will make that a huge priority!!!

If we are not delayed, we will land at our destination Saturday evening around 6pm....then we go through customs, etc....then we will have to find internet, so don't be alarmed if it is fairly late Saturday evening before you hear from us (not to mention we will be 8 hours ahead of you...I can't do the math!!!) :-)

Please pray:
  • for opportunities in the airport & on the airplane to have meaningful, God-centered conversation
  •  travel safety
  •  rest on the plane
  •  good health
  •  patience & calm going through security & customs
  • high spirits for the team (considering we are leaving behind the ones we leave for such a long stretch of time.)

We love you....thanks for praying!!!
Sherri :-)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

9 days out!

As I sit here in my living room tonight I am ever aware thaty we are 9 days out from our departure to the Middle East. I think it has been a hard few weeks for each of our team members...all struggling with lots of "life"! For me, I have been super heavy-hearted for many reasons, but yesterday God filled my heart with a longing to go serve Him and leave my heavy-heart behind! He reminded me how it felt as our team gathered at church-wide prayer a couple of weeks amazing it was to be surrounded by people who longed to see us make a difference, who "got it", who have given us their support by praying for us, who took the time to circle up...touch us...and pray in the power of the God of the Universe! And then, he reminded me about our team commissioning in church a couple of weeks ago...what a privilege (that I never want to take for granted, by the way) to be part of a church that places such priority on "launching" people out into the community and the world!!!!!

I have no idea what God has in store for our team...but this I DO know: He has clearly knit this team of 6 women together, He has clearly given us all the same heart to speak into the hearts of women across the world, He has clearly given us a spirit of unity, and He is CLEARLY IN CHARGE!!!

As we go out, please honor us with your comments. Thsoe comments will be our touch with home while we are gone. Above all, PRAY FOR US!!! We ask that you would pray daily that we would stay focused on HIM, follow HIM, glorify HIM, and honor HIM in everything we do!

I feel so blessed tonight to have been given an opportunity to see first hand what God is doing in a place so very far away. Isn't God so good that even though He definately doesn't need us to accomplish His purposes, He allows us to be His hands & feet?

From a plaque in my grandchildren's rooms: Jesus Knows Me, This I Love

In Him,
Sherri :-)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Team

From left to right, Sharon Danley, Kim Cosgrove, Billye Knox, Charlotte Buell, Sandi Dietrich, Sherri Whitener. Not pictured, Mary Alice Brumley.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;  that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Working together with him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says,      

“In a favorable time I listened to you,
and in a day of salvation I have helped you.”
  Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
(2 Corinthians 5:14-6:2 ESV)

We are ambassadors... we represent the King. If you know Jesus, you do too. I've been thinking on that this morning, and was helped by a book to think on three areas of focus on being an ambassador.

As an ambassador, I will represent:
1. The message of the King. An ambassador is always asking, "What does my Lord want to communicate to this person in this situation? What truths should shape my response? What goals should motivate me?
2. The methods of the King. Here I will ask, "How does the Lord bring change in me and in others? How did he respond to people here on earth? What responses are consistent with the goals and resources of the gospel?"
3. The character of the King. Here I ask, "Why does the Lord do what he does? How can I faithfully represent the character that motivates his redemptive work? What motives in my own heart could hinder what the Lord wants to do in this situation?"

It's a sobering thing to be an ambassador. We represent bodily, the currently veiled King. The King is too valuable to do this poorly. Lord, please help me do this well.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Ode to team barnabas (that means i couldn't think of what to write, so i wrote a poem- enjoy!)

Dear Jesus, how can I express in words
thoughts and feelings way too deep
for You have planted new seeds here
and left them here to steep (get it? - like tea :-).
how can I move on with life?
the daily demands too great,
my focus on myself, I stress
12 cookies I just ate.
I'm craving Diet Coke right now,
and maybe a glass of wine
but I'll cry out to You the same,
after all, it's just past nine (A.M.)
too early for that glass of wine,
and besides I promised and signed
a covenant with a precious team
with whom tonight I'll dine.
Thank you for these women dear,
they welcome me in their midst,
the tears they flow as i just think
of all we'll do, and say and list-
of all we think we have to do,
and all we want to see
but really Lord You know our hearts,
we truly bend a knee.
We exalt You as the risen King,
our Warrior and our Prince,
who gathers all His daughters near
and fights with armaments-
For You alone have victory
over death and flesh and sin;
our efforts, they are powerless
and implode our works within.
so we ask You, Lord, as we boldly come-
before Your throne of grace,
Show power, mercy and Your glory too
Shine down upon our face.
Praise Jesus, lift Your Name on High!
You alone have made us right
we walk with You and talk with You
and praise You for our sight.
Remove today the blinders still,
from women near and far
Reveal Yourself, O Mighty God,
in dreams, visions and the car (carpool line maybe?)

Let them know, that they are loved,
precious in Your sight
they can know You- Father, Friend,
For You have fought the fight.
Precious woman- you are the prize!
For You He gave His life,
Receive His peace, believe His Name
Let go of sin and strife!
True freedom in the Father's Name-
He offers to each one
please Jesus let them see and know,
You are God's one, true Son!
Give us Your message, loud and clear,
Protect us in this fight,
Your Name we lift on high today
You give us Life and Light!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What a great start we have had in becoming a cohesive group.  The women are fantastic and God is moving among us.  I can't wait for our next meeting as Sharon demonstrates the craft.  It makes me chuckle just to imagine these fingers involved in crafts.  But, we serve a big God and He is able to do even that.  I love working together with each of them and look forward to every step of our journey.


The Journey

The joy in going on mission with God is the journey on which He takes us. It's not just the time we are in country, but also the times we are together planning. As a team we've had three meetings. I wish I could convey how fun these meetings are as we pray, plan, laugh, and eat. It's just so good to be together. We are all so different, yet are hearts are united together to bring glory to the name of the One who has called us. Mary Alice, our special team member who is holding our prayer rope while the other six go, gave us a scripture verse the other day.

Isaiah 42:16 And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do and I do not forsake them.

We are clinging to that promise. We all want to make an eternal difference, so we are praying that God will be pleased to act.

So that the world may know,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Team Barnabas Begins

Dear friends,

What a blessing to get to be part of this wonderful group of women. Our goal will be to go do what we love to do....TEACH & REACH WOMEN!!!

This team that will depart for the Middle East in May includes: Charlotte Buell, Kim Cosgrove, Sharon Danley, Sandi Dietrich, Billye Knox, & Sherri Whitener.

We have just begun planning...facing a huge to reach women through the Word of God from a very different culture, who are on several different levels spiritually...from those who desire a deep level of teaching to those who don't yet have a relationship with Christ. So pray for us!

We hope to keep you periodically posted!

Thanks for following our blog....Sherri :-)