Monday, May 9, 2011

The Conversation

Morning dawned with great anticipation for our meeting at AWT ministries. This group of great people train women, produce radio programs and create and maintain websites in English and Arabic that reach Arab women.

We met with women and men who are truly dedicated to serving the Arab women in this country.  Sandi and Sherri taught material that had been used at McKinney titled Crucial Conversations.  Never having seen the material myself, I learned so much.  Learning how to resolve differences with coworkers, family members and friends was satisfying and learning with our new Arab friends was exciting.  Being sisters in Christ gives us an immediate bond that transcends nationality and cultures.

Before arriving at the training center we obviously had to leave our hotel.  We had transported several suitcases from the states with supplies and gifts for the people in this ministry.  The concierge at the hotel was understandably chagrined seeing six guests leaving the hotel with suitcases without checking out.  After trying to understand my explanation to no avail, he goose-stepped me to the front desk to fully explain what we were doing.  They are probably watching the front door for our return deciding whether they should call the police. 

Later we are going to a church where Charlotte will be teaching on Esther.  Please pray for her as she glorifies God through her teaching.

The day is only half over and we have been blessed beyond our hopes.  God is thrilling us with surprises with every thing we do and every person we meet.



  1. Dear Sisters and "Cuz" in Christ,

    I'm so enjoying following you on your Mission Trip... I wish I was there with you... I'am in Spirit for sure. My parish St.Mary's is praying for you and some will be following you as you spread Gods Word.

    I have a prayer that has been on my heart to share with you... It is a prayer we prayed daily during Lent and will continue through the Easter season.


    As we come together to discern your will, help us, O Lord, to take our eyes off ourselves and turn them on the world around us; to be concerned less with what we have accomplished or where we have failed and more with what remains to be done; that with our vision enlarged and our lives rekindled, we may go forward to attempt new and greater things to your glory, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN


  2. You go Billye! I am so blessed to read your blog every day and pray for you ALL on your journey!
    SO HAPPY I cannot explain it! Have fun while you share God's word!
    PS Goose stepped means what? :) Love you LP
